
May 1, 2020

Welcome to Enchanted Conversation, Again!

I hope you like the new look of Enchanted Conversation! I do. It’s the work of Serena Ozgowicz, who has an Etsy shop called Pretty Wild Blog Design. It took a tremendous amount of work on her part, because this is a very old website. I’m especially proud of the new logo in the banner. It takes me back to the early days of EC, when the banners were colorful and fun! Yet it still has a clean look.

To help celebrate EC’s new life, the last anthology I selected stories for Skull and Pestle: New Tales of Baba Yaga, in e-book form, will only cost .99 cents, starting today and lasting for a week. That’s practically free! I love this anthology and hope you’ll want to read it. It’s available on Amazon and many more ebook outlets for $.99. Just go HERE to get the book.

Some other good stuff to know:

*Starting Monday, I’ll pull three angel cards for a weekly reading on what the angels have to tell us. The process is not divination or fortune telling, but rather using the cards to talk about the past, present and future. The readings will also keep the angels/fairies theme for this year in the forefront. Come back Monday to learn more about Angel Oracle Cards.

*I’m a certified meditation teacher, and I’m planning on developing and recording some fairy-tale oriented meditations for sleep and relaxation. I hope to do this fairly soon, and I’ll keep you posted.

*EC is a labor of love and a massive money loser. There are ways you can help that can benefit you and EC. Check back here next week for more info! But buying Skull and Pestle, even though it’s just $.99 is a great way to help.

I’m so happy to be back. I hope you are glad to see Enchanted Conversation under my leadership again. But I do want to thank Amanda Bergloff for the wonderful, creative, professional job she did at the head of EC for two years!

Don’t forget that the window for submissions opens June 1 at 12 a.m., EST. It closes at 11:59 p.m., EST, on June 3. Submission details are HERE.

PS: It’s May Day, that’s why I have the little May Day picture. Happy May Day!