
August 23, 2020

Spellcraft: A Folklore & Creative Writing Workshop

I am a huge fan of Brittany Warman and Sara Cleto, who are the two talented folklorists behind The Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic. I discovered them over the summer, took both of their Rapunzel’s Circle courses, and absolutely loved them. I learned a lot and had a terrific time with the other students. I still frequently comment in their Facebook group.

Now, they’ve taken their talents and wisdom in a new direction: Creative writing. I can guarantee you, the experience will be magical. Here are some details, taken straight from the course description:

SPELLCRAFT is a writing workshop that will take place on September 12, 2020.

We wanted to make this workshop as accessible as possible - for different experience and comfort levels, for how much time the workshop requires, and for different price points (because 2020 continues to be...a very special time.) 

Our solution? We built different doors. (If you’ve been around Carterhaugh for a while, you know Sara and Brittany are complete suckers for magic doors.)

Spellcraft has three doors that lead to three different experiences. If you’re looking for a chill, low-intensity experience (that’s still packed with resources and writing exercises), we’ve got you. If you’re ready to have your own writing discussed, we are here for it! And if you want hands-on, personalized critiques and consultations from Sara and Brittany, BRING IT. Whatever experience you choose, we’re thrilled to have you.”

There’s a lot more info about what you’ll learn, but the bottom line is that this workshop is about creative writing with a folklore and fairy-tale focus.

I think I’m going to take the tier one option. I am not a writer of fairy tales, rather a publisher and editor of them. The first tier will sharpen my skills as a seeker of new fairy tales. It will help me to know what to look for, plus it is sure to be fun.

If you take one of these tiers, you will learn more about creative writing. You will learn more fairy tales and folklore. You will learn more about your own writing. How do I know this? After all, I’ve never taken a writing course with Brittany and Sara.

I’ll explain with an example.

The second Rapunzel’s Circle had a Fairy Godmother session option. I like playing the fairy godmother—hence the current anthology project—but I don’t get much fairy godmothering myself, so I bought a session. In less than an hour, I largely knew the path I was taking forward with EC for the next year. I had been dithering about it for months. Based on my experience, Brittany and Sara will give you honest opinions in a kind, direct way. Every writer needs that kind of advice. What they offer varies according to tier, but whatever door you enter, you’ll leave it with a great experience, even if you don’t get personal critiquing directly from Sara and Britany. (I’m doing tier one just for the pdf!)

That’s my testimonial. (I gain nothing from this. I am in no way financially tied to Sara and Brittany.)

Since the workshop starts on Sept. 12, and tiers two and three are very limited (12), you’ll want to get a move on. (Plus, if you sign up by midnight, Aug. 25, there’s an early bird discount.) So here is the info, one more time.

I talked myself into tier one while writing this post. Gonna go get that discount right now!