
August 3, 2021

To Seek a Spell, By Deborah Sage

Editor’s note: I could see the images in this poem so easily. The poem reads so descriptively and effectively laces all of the images together, that I loved it and think you will too. Enjoy! (Kate)

Go see the wise woman, witch, seer-sage,

Tell her your wishes, wait for an age.

Ask her for potions, portents and dreams,

Wear a black dress sewn with silver seams.

Carry a basket of woven oak,

Over your shoulder throw a twilight cloak.

Go in winter in the deepest snow,

She will know you are coming before you go.

Or go in summer, on midsummer's eve,

She will know you are coming before you leave.

Don’t eat the berries, beware the spell,

Where it will take you, none can tell.

Go in the moonlight, carefully tread,

Out past the cemetery, heed the dead.

Follow the road that leads through the wood,

Don’t stop to talk to the wolf in the hood.

Be careful of brambles, shy from the briar,

Avoid the soothsayer, poet and liar.

Come to the place where you haven’t slept,

Where fairies dwell and children are kept.

See the crone, tell her your fears,

Wait for her judgment, pay her in tears.


Bio: Deborah W. Sage is a native of Kentucky, USA. She merged her talent and interest in her first published book of poetry.


A former business executive who after years of being committed to the bottom line is gaining equilibrium in her psyche through her endeavors in folklore.


Image by Pixabay.


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