We here at Enchanted Conversation love all things fairy tale, which also includes incorporating a little fairy tale style into everyday life- and with summer just around the corner, we’ve turned our thoughts to refreshing your garden with some fairy tale inspired ideas.
What is a "Fairy Tale Garden?"
To us, it's a space you create that gives you a magical feeling. A fairy tale styled garden is an opportunity to create a retreat, set apart from the everyday world. A place to reflect and refresh your spirit, inspire you, and a place to go to enjoy the tranquility of nature.
You don't have to have a large area to create a magical setting. A small space works too, as a Fairy Tale Garden is achievable by adding simple touches that don't have to break the bank.
We’ve gathered some thoughts and pictures below to inspire you to add a little fairy magic to your yard and life! And please share any of your own decor ideas and thoughts in the COMMENTS section below. We’d love to hear from you!
Not only do herbs add beauty to a Fairy Tale Garden, but they can be used in many ways - from utilizing them in cooking, making teas, adding dried elements to soap and candles, and more. Herbs also have symbolic and special meanings, such as: Basil - Love / Mint - Virtue / Sage - Wisdom / Lavender - Devotion / Chamomile - Comfort / Rosemary - Remembrance / Thyme - Courage / Oregano - Joy
Check out some design ideas for adding magical herbs to your garden below:
Reading outdoors is one of our favorite things to do during spring and summer...and having a spot to read with some fairy tale style is an enchanting way to spend an afternoon. Benches and little reading nooks tucked away in your garden space is the perfect way to add some fairy tale style. It can be as simple as a chaise lounge with some pillows, a vintage chair surrounded by flowers, a lovely garden bench under a tree, or a small converted shed.

Instagram: amandabergloff
Picture Resources:
- https://www.houzz.com/
- https://www.kaodim.com/blog/create-fairy-tale-garden-dreams/
- https://www.santabarbaradesignhouseandgardens.com/10-herbs-garden-ideas-awesome-and-also-stunning/
- https://www.plantedwell.com/garden-water-features/
- https://www.woohome.com/diy-2/top-23-surprising-diy-ideas-to-decorate-your-garden-fence
- https://www.upcyclethat.com/upcycled-garden-ideas/
- https://www.architectureartdesigns.com/14-fascinating-diy-ideas-for-decorating-garden-fence/
- https://onekindesign.com/2019/07/19/summer-garden-party-ideas/
- https://www.pinterest.com/karagatsby/twinkle-fairytale-lighting/
- https://onekindesign.com/2018/04/27/outdoor-garden-fountains/
- https://www.decorhomeideas.com/garden-fence-decoration-ideas/